Friday, March 9, 2012


Hi Everyone,

So I'm setting up this blog as a quick'n'easy site for us to post about The New Ballou (a.k.a TNB) and the rest of the Ballou Family. We'll post it with pictures, stories, updates and whatnot for all those that are interested to follow along. We'll create an email list for those that have to know when a new posting goes up, instead of just checking back. Just let me know if you want to be added.

So a quick status:
  • Lisa is almost 31weeks Preggers with TNB - she's due Mid-May
  • He's kicking up a storm - he particularly likes (or dislikes) when we're going to sleep and when Lisa drinks OJ
  • As for names, we're still making a list and checking it (way more) than twice.
  • We're in full *nesting* mode - Gary & I are currently on the third shade of green for the nursery. 
Tomorrow, we take our Kaiser birthing class from 9 until 5pm - it's gonna be quite a day!

Lisa @ 30weeks. She's wearing her mom's old maternity shirt in the partially painted nursery (green #1). We're planning on a chair rail between the blue/green where the tape is right now. 

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