Monday, March 17, 2014

Baby, No Teeth!

Hey Everyone!

As you can imagine, it's been a busy week in the life'n'times of our clan. Over the weekend, baby J turned a week old and it's amazing that she's only been in our lives a short period of fact, it's strange to remember life before her. Baby and mommy are doing fine. E and I are holding up well too. He's been a very accommodating big brother so far and is very interested in baby J, though hasn't wanted to hold her yet. "Too heavy," he says.  We've been explaining to him the differences between big boys like him and babies, which you'll see in the video where he comments that "baby, no teeth."

After coming home from the hospital on Monday, Baby J is adjusting to the crazy outside world, which is especially crazy in this family. She's learning to handle tons of visitors, dog walks, and the general chaos that comes along with a nearly-two-year-old. At her 4 day check up, she was 7 lbs., 6 oz...meaning she's already approaching her birth weight. She's having no trouble eating either. She loves being held and really enjoys the infant swing. And she's much stronger than I remember E being, her little kicks can catch you unaware and she's a master at picking up her head for a couple of seconds. So good news on all those baby related fronts.

Seeing as there are suddenly TWO centers of the universe, we've been trying to make sure E still feels the love. This week, he went to toddler gym (where he learned a new song, "We Want Gymbo." See the video...but I swear we never sang at the dinner table like this before kids), art class, and the Discovery Museum. Uncle Bri and I also took him for a day at Happy Hollow.

Another couple cute things with E:
1. When he's doing that persistent toddler ask for something a million times, Lisa will say, "I'd love to give it to you, but I can't find it right now." E responds, "Oh. I see."
2. Pretty much every time he hears the front door open, he'll run to it or look toward it with a big grin and say, "Hopefully Brian!"

Saturday was a big day, Opa and I decided to try our hand at some infant portraits (don't worry, we're getting some professional ones, too). Looking back at E's two weeks portraits, we can't believe home much J and E look alike.

And then Nana, Papa, and their dogs arrived to meet their new grand baby. I'm not sure E has even noticed Lisa or me since they arrived - 100% of his focus is on them!

(P.S. Stay tuned: I'm working on the crazy story of how baby J entered the world and will post it soon! Along with more pics).

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