Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Crawling and What does the Fox Say?!

This is going to be a quick post  (mostly pics), but it's a doozy -- lots has happened since our last post. 

Lisa's b-day was last Friday and so we had a couple nice / relaxing dinners (or as relaxing as any meal with two small children can be). Ate some cake. Blew out candles. Opened presents. Tons'o'fun. 

The big present was that Baby J decided to start crawling on Lisa's b-day. She wasn't 100% sure she liked it for the first hour or two, but now, after a few days of practice, it's become her preferred mode of getting into mischief. She's also figuring out the whole clapping thing, which is darling. After months of thinking we'd find a tooth, we finally feel one actually coming in. And as an added bonus, we've started to put J on the potty seat after meals and have had several successes! Suddenly all these milestones that seemed so far apart with E are rapid fire with J. 

It's been over three weeks of living with E's cast and we're all getting along pretty well. He's going to be shocked when the get well presents stop being delivered on a near daily basis...which should be soon, since his cast is scheduled to come off this coming Thursday! We are so thankful for all those gifts as they've really helped in keeping him entertained and off his feet during this healing process. 

One thing that didn't work out so well was a Flight Simulator App that Opa downloaded. The first time he and E were "flying" they ran out of gas over the ocean and crashed. From what I understand, it was a fairly traumatic experience. They are not planning to do any more flight simulations for quite some time. 

Halloween was fun, even trick-or-treating in the cold drizzle. We looked good with J as Pooh Bear, E as Tigger, Lisa with Eeyore ears/tail, and me as Christopher Robbin -- though I think most people thought I was just silly wearing a short sleeved polo and blue shorts in that weather). E got the hang of asking for candy and J just liked all the attention. They both got a $5 bill from the neighbor, so we went to Target the next day and each kiddo painstakingly selected a single toy within the budget. E even paid the clerk himself. 

While Oma & Opa visited Tante Ness & Uncle Tanner (and puppy, Kippen) at their new house in Anchorage, Nana & Papa punched in for baby sitting. All those involved had a great time which included trips to the airplane museum, their lake house, the library, and the park. The goodbye was not as sad as most, since we'll be seeing them for Thanksgiving! 

And a quick, funny story to leave you with. The other night E was playing on my phone while I got dinner together and I heard the familiar Siri beep. Then E said, "What does the fox say?" Siri, the master of understanding, replied. "There's no need for such language." I nearly burned myself on the stove from laughing so hard. Now, asking Siri has become a favorite game of his. About 25% of the time she gets it, but the rest of the time, she reprimands him for cussing at her. 

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