Sunday, March 8, 2015

Happy Bee Day, J!

Dear Baby J,

Ok, that is the last time that we intend to use that nickname because you are one today and are very much not a baby anymore. Too much, in my opinion. But we can only hold back time as much as we can force the sun to become a purple snowball.

If we thought that your brother's first year went by as if in fast forward -- yours went by like a time lapse video. Holy rigatoni, J. It was just a blink ago that we were heading into Home Depot on a Saturday morning to pick out a new bathroom vanity and then -- BAM -- we're singing Happy Birthday to our little girl at her bumble bee birthday party (complete with antenna, plant-a-flower bar, and parachute songs).

Before that fateful errand on March 8th, 2014, we weren't really concerned about raising a child. After all, we had gotten E through nearly two years with reasonable success. Sure, there'd be some differences and hiccups, but basically it'd be the same-old, same-old with just another car seat.


You never cease to surprise us with...
  • How you've made us love another someone with all of our hearts, when we thought our hearts were already completely given. And...

How much you learn and grow, day by day. Like how you can point to your own nose or someone else's nose when asked. Or how many signs you know. Or how you watch and mimic your brother. Or how you pretty much go to the bathroom on the potty every day now (seriously!) And...

How you love and idolize your brother. It truly is the most amazing (and special) thing to see the two of you playing together, whether it be (your favorite) tea party or (his favorite) cars. And both of you in the bath, smearing bubble beards on each other...well, we know that sort of thing won't last for long, but it's so sweet to see now. And...

How you love peas, corn, mac'n'cheese, and just about every food you've tried to date and how you make that cute grunting noise to make us aware that you'd enjoy another bite (it sorta sounds like what Uncle Brian describes as 'the Marge Simpson'). And...

How dramatic you can one moment you're throwing yourself into a bone-defying backbend, face scrunched, and bawling to the next moment where you're flashing us the biggest, four-toothed grin. And...

How patient you are with us when we're trying to balance your needs with a two-year-old's, or when we are carting you to New Mexico, Disneyland, or an eight-day cruise. And...

How fascinated you are with the world, especially with the dogs or with anything in a room that we wish you wouldn't get into. And...

How great and loving you are with all of your family, with your hugs and waves. And...

How much joy you bring to this world.

Happy One Year, Sweet (baby) J.
Ok, sue'll always be our baby. 

We love you, so So SO MUCH.
Mommy & Daddy

P.S. We're including a link to a slideshow of your first year in pictures and video snippets. It's not short, but it's pretty dang cute. So grab a comfy chair & enjoy.

J's one year stats
Weight: 19lb 2oz (40th percentile) 
Height 29.25" (53rd percentile) 
Head Circumference: 18.25" (86th percentile)...E had a big head Nana says, our little "Brainiacs"

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