Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We've got a Walker!

So I'm making it blog-official (which is just about as official as it gets): J is walking! Since returning from the most magical place on Earth, she's gotten braver and braver. At first, she started "cruising" more. Then she started half-falling, half-stumbling between sturdy objects. Then on March 25, while I was picking the kiddos up from Oma & Opa's house, she balanced herself on a chair and then took 7 
steps to Opa in the middle of the living room. Every day it seems like she gets more and more comfortable with being a biped.

She's also really transitioned from that baby to an independent little gal who knows what she wants and communicates it. For instance, the other day she saw a rocking chair, patted her chest with both hands, pointed to the chair, grunted, and patted her chest again. Maybe she's part Neanderthal (my side of the genes, I'm sure), but effective. That said, she still doesn't understand when we tell her, "No, you can't eat the remote control."

For some reason, J thinks that throwing her pacifier from her crib to the floor is the mechanism that calls us to her room in the middle of the night. Thinking about it, I guess it sort of is. She throws the paci, gets upset that she can no longer reach it, cries, which wakes us up and eventually, gets us into her room. Who's training who here? 

E is on the cusp of his third bday and I just can't believe what a little guy he's becoming: He plays imaginary games, makes up songs, is potty trained, routinely skips his nap, loves his dogs / sister / family, and is just a joy to be around...99.25% of the time (no one is a 100% joy). He's obsessed with spaceships, trucks, cars, and loves to garden. He dislikes anything remotely scary on TV. And by scary I mean when Thomas the Train derails for 10 seconds. He loves baseball and already has established his allegiances: the other day he refused to try on a pair of sandals because they were "boo Dodgers blue." And orange is not simply orange since it always inspires him to yell out, "Go Giants!" 
Just so we're all on the same page, no one has enlisted in the navy. These sailor outfits they're wearing were originally Lisa and Uncle Brian's when they were toddlers. And yet more "precious" moments to break out when the prom dates show up :)
Life has been busy...which is just about the only given in our current routine. One fun day recently was when E and I went to Pleasanton and watched his friend V while V's parents went to deliver their newest baby! The three of us had a blast going to the park for stomp rocket launches and eating burritos at Baja Fresh.

Easter was great - complete with Egg dying, baskets full of surprises, egg hunts, chick costumes, and bunny / logistics questions (E: "Does the Easter Bunny walk or drive his car to my house?"). We rounded out the holiday with a delicious meal with the whole gang at Oma and Opa's house. One cute thing: E got a his first Pez dispenser as part of his Easter present from the Huis (btw, thanks for that). We explicitly told him that he'd had enough before dinner. A little later I heard him say, "thank you" to the little lamb head, and I saw him popping in another candy. Under the fire of questioning, he explained the reason he kept eating them was that "it just keeps giving them to me."

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