Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Post of Novella Length!

It's been wild since we returned from our epic Alaska vacation...and my time to do a proper post seems to have vanished somewhere along the way. But here's a quick touch base on all things Ballou.

Besides dealing with some vet related issues, every one is happy and healthy. We've spent our days soaking up the fun (and stress) involved with having toddlers, dogs, a house, and full time jobs. J charges around the house like a mad woman, understands everything we say, and has no fear (the other day I had the car door open and she climbed into the seat by herself in a blink), She has much stronger opinions than E and though she's not talking a lot, she communicates her desires very clearly. She pats the ground if she wants you to sit. Asks for a "bowl" and has mastered the word, "Muh-ORE." And recently can say the name of her favorite God-sister, "Grace" and is getting close to "Bailey" (or bay-EEE, in her case).

E is a riot. He's gotten so fast on his balance bike, loves gymnastics, playing t-ball, watching NASCAR  and the Giants (though not Thomas the Train or anything else that is potentially traumatizing-- I mean, Percy may fall off the tracks). My favorite word of the moment is how he pronounces pyramid as "Pa-meer-ee-ad." We have to be careful what we say too. The other day, we were pulling out of a parking spot and another driver -- a good distance away -- blocked the road. From the backseat, with the exact cadence of a Papa comment, I heard, "Come on, buddy."

And from here, I'll let the pictures do the talking. After all, they say they're worth a 1,000 words...And by "they," I mean all of us lazy writers. So really, I just am giving you the equivalent of a 30,000 word-length novella!

These shots include, but are not limited to...and in no particular order: 
+Nana & Papa's stay with our trip to Ardenwood farms, 
+the Metsers' pool party, 
+making a sand box with Opa from the wood of Mommy's dorm room bunk bed
+a couple trips to Great America, 
+our family (including pups) portraits, 
+several Giants games (with the Cousins, for Brian's birthday, & San Jose with the whole crew)
+various fun times, doing various fun things

Not pictured: 
+the Balyon's quick sleepover, 
+Papa & Nana waiting in a two hour line to take the kids on the cable car 
+or the day they took Grace and our kids to the beach. 
+Nor any shots of  Lisa and I going out with the Pilgerams & the Karnes where we closed down the tequila bar in Santana Row. Granted, it was the outdoor tequila bar that, by city ordinance, closed at 10pm. But still....we were the last people to leave. 

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