Tuesday, June 11, 2019

May 2019!

May is a time of transition in our household. Baseball is over and just when we get the school routine down, summer arrives chalked full of flexible routines, vacations, summer camps. 

We're so proud of both kids and how they did this year in school.  J is more than ready for Kindergarten and I still can't believe how well E is reading and adding/subtracting like a beast. Beyond the loss of Belle and the grade leveling up, we did have some things-to-note since we last spoke. 

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We had SO much fun going to the Giants game. We got a set of 4 tickets gifted to us and were so busy that we failed to even look at the seat numbers until we were walking through the ballpark, getting closer and closer to home plate. Then escorted, literally, into the Field Club level. Folks, that is the way to go to a baseball game. They had their own food court and servers to bring your food to your seat. For the kids, the usher brought candy and used batting practice balls. AND they have their own several sets of bathrooms....with like NO line. Oh, yeah, I forgot -- we were like 9 rows back from the batter. All in all, a complete surprise and life long memory.

One slightly small bummer was that about 2 hours before E's make up birthday party (rescheduled for Aunt Vicki's memorial service), E came down with 102 degree fever. Everything was so far in motion that I ended up staying home with him and Lisa + J ran the party. By the next morning, he was fine and never really showed any other symptoms. We've already taken him + J to build-a-bear as part of a consolation and have another event or two planned. He's been a lot more mature about the whole thing than I would be. 

Also we are proud to report that *slowly* J is being very brave and started to try fruit (for those of  you who forgot...at about a year, J decided that she would not, under any circumstances, eat raw fruit of any kind -- and we have NO idea why). Over the last couple months, she'd tried quite a few...including: lemon, grape, strawberry, blueberry, peach, apple, and a black olive (has a pit, grows on a tree...it's a fruit, people) + a handful more. Now, she's not ready to request them for snack, but we're really happy she's ending this phase. 

We just got back from our annual kick-off camping trip with Oma, Opa, Nana & Papa to Big Basin Redwood State park. This is our third year doing the same thing, even the same sites, and it's a tradition becoming engrained in my heart already. It's just beautiful to sit by the fire, chatting with Oma and petting the dogs, while the kids are playing "monkey in the middle" with Opa & Papa and hearing Nana and Lisa laugh. It's a great event to briefly disconnect under 100s of feet of redwoods and surrounded by love and simplicity (or as simple as this clan gets). What a great way to reflect on the year past & the summer fun to come. 

Speaking of fun to come...I'll do my best to keep this y'all in the loop, but things are about to get busy. Until then...enjoy! 


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