Sunday, March 18, 2012

Got the shade right on the FIRST try?!

Which shade to pick??
Another busy weekend of nesting. This time it was painting our bedroom. While we made six (yep, SIX) trips to the paint store, we managed to pick the right shade of gray-brown before painting the entire room. Lisa and soon-to-be-Oma picked out window coverings and chair rails.

Got it right!

We spent a wonderful evening at a fancy dinner with friends. We're definitely in the parent mindset, seeing as we stayed out until 12:30 in the morning and we were pooooooped all day Sunday.

Saturday also marked the first time I got to see a baby limb as he moved inside Lisa's belly. It was WILD and really, really cool.

This next week is busy with classes - both a Breastfeeding class (and, yeah, I'm going...and, yeah, I'm scared) as well as a newborn care class.

As soon-to-be-Opa Gary says, "It's funny how a baby gets ya movin'."

Loves the color...Whoo Hoo

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of such excitement on Gary's face in the pics!
