Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Two Weeks Old!

Lisa's belly bump at 38 weeks!

Today is Evan's two week birthday and he celebrated with his first pediatrician visit. After taking bets, Nana won the "what's he going to weigh?" pool with 7 lbs., 1 oz.! He's tracking along right on schedule. Everything else checked out fine and we LOVED his doctor.

C'mon, Mommy & Daddy, get out of here...
we're having a party!

Awesome cake made for us by cousin Kristi!

Since the last post, Lisa and I had a great anniversary dinner at a favorite Italian restaurant and Cold Stone - then we wanted to get home to the grandparent's party...which was still going strong. On Monday, Evan had his first picnic with Nana, Papa, and us at the Rose Garden. It was the perfect temperature, the roses were spectacular, and the Zanotto's panini sandwiches were DELICIOUS.  Great outing.

We had (another) photo shoot with a friend-of-a-friend who does infant portraits (yeah, yeah, yeah...we're goo-goo for the little guy and want to capture these precious moments...sue us). Though we're anxiously awaiting the finished shots, she sent us a sample. Amazing, huh?
Courtesy of Andrea Christine Photography
Evan on top of Lisa's grandfather's antique butter churn

Annnnnddd...the painters finished the house! We're officially done with the major (planned) nesting activities. Can I get an AMEN?! We're thrilled how it all turned out.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on all the great stuff happening for your family! Evan is adorable. Good job Lisa, you're looking great, hope you're feeling good and getting enough sleep ;o) .
