Tuesday, September 18, 2012

5 Months!

5 months!
Yesterday, Lil'E officially turned five months old. I can't believe how much he's changed from the little guy that I held in one hand. In such a short time, he's become such an integral part of our lives (and quite the web presence, no?). It's so foreign to think that there was life before getting to know the tyke. We count ourselves among the truly lucky - he's our almost 17 pound, blue-eyed champ.

Helping Oma pick tomatoes
This last week was a bit rougher than most because Lisa came down with her first, post-E cold. Add that to the stress of the work week and a (possible) slight stomach bug for E, and it made for a bigger challenge than other weeks. But we laid low, got plenty of rest, and ate lots of Opa-made chicken soup (that man is a life saver) and by Saturday morning everything was on the mend.

E's best Micky impression
Saturday evening, we dropped E off with Oma/Opa while we attended Auntie Alison's wedding up in the city. It was a beautiful night, touching ceremony, and a rowdy crowd (hey, it's true...and Auntie Alison wouldn't have wanted it any other way). We had a great time catching up with old friends, knowing that E was in good, good hands.

Mommy n' Daddy's night out
Stories on the patio are E's favorite
Sunday, we attended the Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival...aka Reunion de Santa Clara. I think we saw an old friend or relative every 10 or 20 feet. E got to meet/catch up with so many people and he sure grinned at each and every one of them. The weather was perfect. The beer was cold (I know, I know, it was an Art & Wine, but they had four types of Gordon Biersch - how am I to drink wine under such circumstances?). Zapped from the "sun", we had a relaxing evening at home and got ready for the work week.
Nanny Cody
Buddy Owen
So far, everyone's been happy and healthy this week and we're looking forward to next weekend...and our trip to San Luis Obispo for Uncle Shane/Auntie Jackie's wedding!

Baseball with Uncle Brian

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