Friday, March 28, 2014

I'm so Happy!

We had Baby J's first appointment with the pediatrician yesterday. The doc told her she got an A+ for her check up. Aced her first test...she IS our daughter ;) The stats:
  • 9 lbs. 7.5 oz  (80th percentile) 
  • 21" long (75th percentile)
The last week+ has been wild just getting used to having two kiddos in the mix. And I honestly don't know how we were so busy when E was an infant, because Baby J's needs are so straight forward: Eat. Sleep. A handful of awake minutes. Diaper change...and repeat. There's still times when I think she and infant E look identical, but even over the last couple of weeks she's becoming much more of her own self. For starters, she's stronger than E was at this to pick up her head for seconds at a time already. To be fair, E had those cheeks which weighed him down significantly. Baby J is also starting to track faces here and there. It's amazing to see these milestones play out again.

E is handling the transition to big brotherhood well. He still thinks Baby J is "too heavy" to hold, but he does blow her kisses and points out the funny things she does such as "sucking hand. Wow." He's getting more and more vocal by the day and mastering simple sentences (one of my favorites: "I'm so happy"). And for those of you who were worried that E wouldn't have enough attention, you can now officially calm your fears. With Nana and Papa in town, the lil'man has been to the beach twice, the airplane museum, the aquarium, and countless visits to the nearby construction site.

Mommy and daddy are holding up well too. Getting some sleep (in small chunks) and getting used to juggling kids, dogs, and life. And enjoining (almost) every second of it :)

P.S. (again) I PROMISE that crazy birth story of baby J will post soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Julia is beautiful! What wonderful pictures you've captured and love all the video clips. Can't wait for Chase to meet Julia -- born just hours a part at the same hospital! Amazing!
