Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jewels, Splatter, & Blue Angels!

Let's see...last we spoke, Nana & Papa had just left. So what's been going on? Well, between all the usual big family get togethers, birthday parties, and the overarching chaos that is our life...and getting ready for a long weekend at the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon fiesta, E came down with Hand-Foot-Mouth disease. For those of you who aren't familiar (I wasn't), this is a highly contagious virus which gives those under 5 years of age some nasty itching, burning bumps on their hands, feet, and (you know where I'm going with this)..mouth. Most of the time adults don't contract it, but -- jeez, Louise -- it hit our little guy pretty hard. There were 2 or 3 days / nights of NO FUN...and we had to postpone our trip on top of it. It's a week I'd like to forget, but don't think I will for a long time. The good news, relatively speaking, was (1) his case was technically mild and (2) Oma & Opa agreed to keep J while E mended...and thus, she never got the proliferous virus.

We're all healthy now. *Knocks on wood*

Besides that, the kids are a riot right now. A sampling:

...E started a little sluggers t-ball class and a kidz love soccer class. Coupling those with his gymnastics & swimming lessons, I feel we're exposing him to a decent assortment of activities. Which is he best at? It's hard to say, though I see t-ball in our future based on how loud he cheers when the coach greets the class.

...J is picking up this whole talking thing. We're the only ones who understand her -- but that's beside the point. She's got a strong opinion on things, is not shy to vocalize it (with or without verbal language), and allows herself the flexibility to change her mind. The other day, she adamantly wanted a "nock" while we were driving and the more I ignored or questioned her desire for a "nock", the more frustrated she got. By our destination, only a few minutes later, there may have been tears. I pulled her out and she pointed at her lunch box. "NOCK!" Silly daddy finally figured out that she wanted a SNACK.

...The things that come out of E's mouth are hilarious. Yesterday, he told us he needed to go potty after he finished coloring. A few minutes later, he started playing with his trains. We reminded him of his potty comment, to which he responded: "I don't have to go any more. It must've gone back up into my splatter."

...J can't entirely say her own name so she's nicknamed herself, "Jewels," or at least the early toddler version. I gotta say, it's pretty cute. Especially when she says it.

...After Opa told him about The Blue Angels, E became obsessed with them. We watched YouTube videos, we pretended to be Blue Angel pilots while he was in the stroller, our food became Blue Angel jets landing in their hangers. Then on a semi-free Saturday, I surprised him with a trip to fleet week in San Francisco where, you guessed it, the Blue Angels performed. He was so excited -- until he realized how loud six jets are moving at 90% the speed of sound over an echo-y city. It was a little loud for him -- though the moment it was over, I was running UP the hill that is Van Ness so that his stroller could hit subsonic speeds. When we got home, we found out that Uncle Bri had been there too...and got him the best present a boy could ever get: his very own model Blue Angel.

...Since this blog is really just for me to catalog as much of this amazing experience of fatherhood as possible (you reading it is just the cherry-on-top), there are two final things in this post that I never-ever-ever-ever want to forget. First, that Jewels gives the. best. hugs. ever. I can't put into words what they're like, other than to say that her tiny arms wrap around you, she rests her head on you, and sometimes she even goes, 'ahhhhh.' *Heart melts just thinking about it*

The last thing is another heart melter: these kids, at least right now, truly love each other. They are sweet and loving. Jewels loves to wake E up in the morning and cuddle in his bed. If she's crying, E is the first to sing to her or ask her what's wrong. I know these traits won't last forever -- and at some point, there will probably be the knock-out-drag-down fights that are in the job description of being a sibling. Though, that foundational love is there and I want to hang on to that (and refresh their memories by pulling it up sometime when they're 8 and 10 or 15 and 17).

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